Monday, December 5, 2011

We Got Snow!

     Today we had our first snow here. It was kind of exciting. It actually started snowing last night and my husband and I just watched it for a little while. It might sound anti-climatic if you live in the north and snow in the wintertime is a given, but I've spent much of the last decade in Florida where it is quite a rarity. I did see snow when I lived in Europe as a teenager, but it's been a long time. 
     So, when we got up this morning, the ground was covered in snow, so we bundled up our little girl and took her down to play. She was fascinated, of course, and not quite sure what to think. In fact, when she first saw the snow from the window, she said "messes!" which, of course, we thought was funny. While we were outside, it started snowing again, so we decided to come inside and warm up, and she did not want to come inside! 
     We ended up spending much of the day out, so I didn't actually get as much done today as I was planning. But we had a nice little family day out and got to see the Texas mesquites covered in snow (which made them more attractive than usual!) There is nothing quite like seeing the landscape covered in fresh snow. I'm sure I will think differently as it starts melting and gets dirt and sloshy, but for today it looked nice. 
     We did have one exciting (and gross) incident today. We were in Hancock's (a fabric store) when the Kay-kay quite an "accident" that made it through a few layers of clothes. To make matters more fun, there was no changing table in the restroom, so we managed to find a table in the store that had been mostly cleared off. Not an ideal situation, but when you have an emergency, you gotta do what you gotta do. We had to completely change her clothes. 
     Now we are back home, the baby is in bed after her long day and we have a fire in the fireplace. We got one of those logs that are ready to just set in the fireplace and light on fire. it just seemed appropriate to us to have a fire in the fireplace since we have snow outside, and I made cookies and we're going to have hot chocolate. You know, the "traditional" winter stuff. 
     So, while today was an "off" day because of the extra excitement, tomorrow I hope to get back into my routine and do better with my meal planning and grocery shopping. And speaking of grocery shopping, I've had a new e-book recommended to me. It's called the 2012 Guide to Groceries under $250 a Month. I haven't read it yet, but I'm definitely looking forward to checking it out!


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